Fish River Canyon
A spectacular canyon set in the wide, flat plains of southern Namibia, Fish River Canyon is the one of the deepest in the world and has been likened to the Grand Canyon of Arizona, USA. It is 161km long, up to 27km wide and almost 550m deep. In ages past it was sculpted by the Fish River, which now exists as a mere trickle flowing at the bottom of the magnificent canyon. For most of the year, the river is reduced to a series of small pools along the canyon floor.
This famous landscape feature presents an unexpected, sheer drop from the flat desert plains and it is possible to walk down to the bottom, and when there is enough water, to take a refreshing swim in the river. The hot springs of Ais-Ais are found at the southern end of the canyon and are reputedly an excellent remedy for rheumatism!
A 90km hiking trail winds along the canyon floor from the northernmost lookout point at Hobas to Ais-Ais hot springs. The trail takes an arduous but worthwhile five days to complete and is open to groups of a minimum 3 people, between May and September.