Hohenstein Lodge
Hohenstein Lodge is located on the south-western edge of the Erongo Mountains, about 25 km north of Usakos on the road D 1935. It is the closest Lodge to the famous Spitzkoppe mountains.All the bungalows as well as the restaurant at Hohenstein share the same breathtaking views. Spitzkoppe is seen at some distance to the left and Hohenstein to the right. Both are situated across a wide valley dotted with ancient Camel thorn trees. In the evenings, Hohenstein is aglow in the warm red light of the beautiful sunsets.FA C I L I T I E S & S E RV I C E S• Credit card facilities• free Wi-Fi in Restaurant areaKaokoland• Sundowner deck• Swimming pool• Restaurant, bar and lounge area• Barrier-free and paved walkways• Restaurant and two rooms barrier free• Safe and mosquito nets in each room• Bird watching place• signposted hiking trails• Landing stripA C C O M M O D AT I O NRooms, own bahtroom: 14Beds:28Family Suites:2(2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms)Room size:ca 30 qmTour guide rooms:1ABSOLUTE ERONGOA two-day adventure package can beexclusively booked through HohensteinLodge. One overnight stay at HohensteinLodge, one night in the new Etemba Wil-derness Camp, including guided hikesand meals. • Private shaded terraces and panoramicview to the Hohenstein• Spacious separate en-suite bathrooms• Cell phone reception• For ‘Absolute Erongo‘ tented camp onfarm Etemba. 10 tents with 20 beds andbathroom facilitiesActivities:Guided hikes to Boulder Forest and the mineral miners: The guide will take our guests on a half-hour ride with the Land Rover to Boulder Forest. From there, a hike through the canyon leads up to the giant rocks and abundant vegetation. Visiting the mineral miners will give a small insight to life and work on the mountain’s steep slopes. On the way back, the vista over the lowlands and the view over the lodge grounds will turn the descent into a great photo experience.We also offer well prepared hiking trails for our guests to discover the nature on their own. Sundowner drives and swimming pool supplement the activitiesBird watching Absolute Erongo:Hohenstein Lodge offers its guests exclusively a 2-day adventure program. The first day guests stay at Hohenstein Lodge and go for a hiking trail to see the mineral miners at the Hohenstein. The second day they will stay on farm Etemba. After a ‘scenic drive’ through the Erongo rhino trust area and a more hours hiking in the breathtaking landscape of the granite gramadulla rock formations with a lot of bushmen paintings, the guests stay overnight in a tented camp in the mountains. Rock Paintings on Farm Etemba in the Erongo Region: The famous Rock Paintings on Farm Etemba in the Erongo Region were discovered initially by Walter Kahn in 1965 and the sites and rock paintings were recorded in some detail for prosperity. Further excavations were undertaken in 1968 by the archaeologist Wendt and he found rock paintings at 2 out of 4 sites he and his team unearthed. All of the rock paintings situated at different places on Etemba Farm were declared as one national monument and proclaimed as such on 1st May 1967, more than 50 years ago. Etemba was one of Namibia’s first Lodges in the 1960’s but was closed for more than 10 years. In mid of 2013 it has opened for tourism again: the Hohenstein Lodge offers this activity for their guests. For more information, contact our website www.hohensteinlodge.com – absolute erongo.